The inalienable right to vote

That a woman should be confined to the kitchen is an opinion that has fallen to disgrace in recent decades. During this time, in which women play a pivotal role in the workforce, that dogma is met by many with an incredulous look and a thought more despairing of the speaker than of a female inclined to a nine-to-five job. Though sexism exists in our country today, I, as a young woman, can be only grateful to live in a nation that cannot legally discriminate against me for that which I cannot control.


Therefore, as we near the 100th anniversary of the demolition of a barrier that further separated man and woman, I should like to discuss the impact this movement has had not only on my life, but on the lives of millions of women spanning a century. This event is the ratification of the 19th Amendment, in which it was decreed that the right to vote may not be denied or abridged by the American government on account of gender.

The ratification of this amendment changed American life, for no longer were women unjustly beholden to representatives for whom they did not vote. And in years to come, due in part to this momentous legislation, no longer were women to be denied access to an office that for part of its life was unfairly monopolized by men. And if you doubt my words, familiarize yourself with every woman who stood a far better chance than the ill-fated presidential candidacy of Victoria Woodhull in 1872.

It is due to this amendment that I will, in four years, place my own vote for the person I think shall make a wonderful leader. And it is due to this amendment that I have the freedom to exercise the inalienable right granted to me by neither man nor any god, but by nature herself – the right to have choices.

Sloane McCray, 16, is a junior at Hazen High School, where she is involved in choir, track, basketball and Science Olympiad. She enjoys reading, history, poetry and hanging out with friends. Sloane is the daughter of Kimberly Kraft and Loren McCray, members of Roughrider Electric Cooperative.