Brooklyn Hager

Sports can be rewarding in the lives of students. Athletes develop friendships and build teamwork, and sports offer a sense of accomplishment, and encourage students to exercise.

Statistically, students who participate in sports do better academically than their counterparts who do not. A study at the University of Kansas found students in sports are 10% more likely to graduate from high school.

Brooklyn Hager, 15, is a freshman at Rugby High School, where she is involved in cross-country, volleyball, basketball and softball. She enjoys sports, writing and photography. Brooklyn is the daughter of Dustin and Angela Hager, members of North Central Electric Cooperative.

Have you ever been outside late at night and seen the sky full of bright, shining stars? How about a meteor shower or the dancing northern lights? If you have yet to experience seeing these celestial shows, there are plenty of opportunities to view these beautiful phenomenons in the upcoming year.


Some of the people affected by the cancellation of spring sports were the seniors. The class of 2020 didn’t get to have one last season playing their favorite sports, such as track, baseball, softball or golf.

Younger students were also affected. This year would have been their first year to play these school sports.

But students weren’t the only people who had to tolerate this worldwide suspension. Professional athletes were also sidelined. Basketball, baseball, soccer and hockey all came to a close.