Recipe by Dixie Brown
McKenzie Electric Cooperative member
Recipe by Carrie Gerving, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member
BisMan Community Food Co-op, TJacob Smude
Recipe by Spirit Lake Food Distribution Program, served by Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
RECIPE by Sue (Kaseman) Balcom, from her aunt, Alice (Wanner) Kaseman, as published in “Gutes Essen: Good Eating in German-Russian Country”
Recipe adapted by North Dakota Living test kitchen
Recipe by Hannah Moser, Forager Farm, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member
Recipe by Bernice Duletski, Capital Electric Cooperative member
Recipe by the Doan family, Black Leg Ranch and Black Leg Brewery, members of Capital Electric Cooperative
Recipe by Cheryl Erickson, Northern Plains Electric Cooperative member
RECIPE by the Dale (Karen) Haugen family, general manager, Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative
RECIPE by North Dakota Living test kitchen
RECIPE by NDSU Extension
Aspen’s favorite recipe, courtesy The Food Network
Recipe by Lisa Rossow, KEM Electric Cooperative employee